I nostri Servizi


Benefit of the socie where we oper ate success for the website done

Hai bisogno di info?

S.S. 96 km 116, 70026 Modugno BA

Tel: 080 5353777
Email: info@fagisrl.it


Restauro di beni immobili nel settore Pubblico e Privato e recupero di edifici storici e di pregio.

  • Interventi a rete ed impianti speciali per la mobilità stradale.
  • Impianti Elettrici
  • Impianti Illuminazione
  • Cabine Elettriche di Trasformazione bt/mt
  • Impianti Speciali – Impianti elettrici I – II Categoria
  • Protezione Strutture contro le Scariche Atmosferiche
  • Impianti Rilevazione Incendi
  • Impianti Telecomunicazione, Tv/Sat
  • Impianti per Automazione Industriale
  • Controllo Accessi
  • Automazione
  • Impianti Meccanici
  • Impianti Di Condizionamento E Climatizzazione
  • Impianti Per Trattamento Aria E Ventilazione
  • Impianti Di Riscaldamento
  • Impianti Idrico/ Sanitari
  • Impianti Antincendio
  • Manutenzione
  • Manutenzione Programmata E Straordinaria Con Servizio Reperibilita’ H24/7Gg
  • Assistenza Tecnica Specializzata
  • Assistenza Da Remoto E Telegestione
  • Energie Rinnovabili
  • Progettazione E Realizzazione “Chiavi In Mano” Di Impianti Fotovoltaici- solare termico e termodinamico – Geotermici – Eolici
  • 1
    We work with clients to integrate the flow of the customer experience across channels
  • 2
    We’ll provide reports, scope of works, quotations, budget estimates, fixed price, competitive pricing and photographs within 24 hours of attending the site
  • 3
    We work with clients to integrate the flow of the customer experience
  • 4
    We work with clients to integrate the flow of the customer experience across channels
  • 5
    We work with clients to integrate the flow of the customer experience

Our Benefits

We’ll provide reports, scope of works, quotations, budget estimates, fixed price, competitive pricing and photographs within 24 hours of attending the site exclusive partnerships Fountain Views three-tower complex, of which the highest

We’ll provide reports, scope of works, quotations, budget estimates, fixed price, competitive pricing and photographs within 24 hours of attending the site exclusive partnerships Fountain Views three-tower complex, of which the highest

We’ll provide reports, scope of works, quotations, budget estimates, fixed price, competitive pricing and photographs within 24 hours of attending the site exclusive partnerships Fountain Views three-tower complex, of which the highest

We’ll provide reports, scope of works, quotations, budget estimates, fixed price, competitive pricing and photographs within 24 hours of attending the site exclusive partnerships Fountain Views three-tower complex, of which the highest